Have you ever wondered why this sport is so engaging? Maybe we are hooked on the psychological benefits of cross training? Let's reflect after reading the virtues of cross training on our brain.

What psychological benefits does CrossFit provide?

– Improves brain activity.
– Improves productivity.
– Improves self-esteem.
– Increase in happiness.
– Improvement of social skills.

In this article we talk about all this.

Does sport improve the brain?

Cross training and any sport in general helps to work and improve memory, thus delaying aging or cognitive deterioration. This is because it improves the stimulation of neurogenesis (a process by which new neurons are generated) in the hippocampus, which is a brain structure that plays an important role in memory.

And how does that happen? Without realizing it, when we pick up the bar and do a simple power clean, our mind is multitasking, executing it correctly and, if not, correcting it.

In a short period of time you are doing a scan of your body, analyzing from your feet to your head whether you are in a good position and if you are not, you correct yourself before your coach or your boxing partner looks at you.

If you like to train alone, you do the same. A scan of your body and in seconds you realize the errors and modify your technique.

You observe, analyze and perfect your posture from head to toe in what it takes to do a power clean, which can be something like 5 seconds. Imagine what you get to work your brain in such a short period of time. In addition to everything mentioned above, highlight the improvement in concentration.


During training, we stimulate the brain, therefore it is more active, has more brain capacity and therefore the brain is at full performance.

This means, more or less so that we understand it, that after each WOD and the fatigue that it entails, the time comes to start doing things, since your brain, although not your body, is in an optimal state of productivity. and that means that your performance will be much better.


Why does cross training improve self-esteem?

Consistency and perseverance are keys in life. Of course, it's no different in sport.

Each workout is a different WOD, with different exercises, weights and times. This leads us to constant improvement and improvement. With this we manage to face and overcome fears and limitations that are in our brain.

And without a doubt, we believe that there is nothing better for self-esteem than seeing yourself capable of doing everything you would never see yourself capable of doing.


Said like this, it seems simple, but behind this statement there is a scientific theory, we tell you:

During training there is a release of endorphins , serotonin (related to mood), dopamine (related to the pleasure system) and epinephrine or adrenaline . With this you achieve that your anxiety and stress levels decrease and your feeling of pleasure increases.

Improve your social skills

In boxing, it is very likely that you will meet people with the same tastes and interests as you or simply with people who share the passion for the same sport. Tastes and hobbies unite a lot, creating good relationships within the box.

And finally... don't forget that for a good training, good sports equipment is important... Visit the picsil website and discover the best material for each wod!