Nutrition is the set of processes by which the human being ingests, absorbs, transforms and uses the substances from the food ingested.

Any food provides us with a wide variety of nutrients , in different quantities, each substance being necessary for different bodily functions. We can distinguish between macronutrients and micronutrients , although we need more grams of macronutrients per day, micronutrients are needed in smaller quantities, without forgetting that they are essential, and an excess or deficiency of them can lead to health problems.
Normally, an athlete is able to meet the needs through a well-structured diet . The cases where we have to pay the most attention to a possible deficit are when we train in extreme weather conditions, diets with food restrictions (vegans, intolerants...), calorie deficits, some illness...
As we mentioned, micronutrients are key in energy metabolism , and we must ensure correct intake. Therefore, we are going to detail the most important ones and tell you in which foods you can find these micronutrients, and if supplementation is recommended:
Folic acid B9 and vitamin B12
Vitamins that participate in the synthesis of red blood cells (folic acid B9 and vitamin B12): both vitamins have in common that a possible deficiency can lead to fatigue, constipation and megaloblastic anemia. Therefore, this deficit can harm our sports performance .
An example that is seen more every day in consultation is that of patients with very low B12 levels, and the recommendation is to supplement with 2.4mcg per day, as long as it is prescribed by a professional. Although it has been researched and there is no danger if there is an excess of this vitamin in the body, do not take it without first having a blood test. This is due to the few hours of sun exposure that the individual currently has. In addition, there are many intrinsic factors that can inhibit proper absorption of vitamin B12, such as the absence of certain enzymes in the body, but the positive thing is that it is usually solved with supplementation. The foods where you will find the most B12: fish, meat, poultry, eggs... Choose a wide variety of foods of animal origin in your diet so you can benefit from its properties, and if you follow a vegan or vegan diet, vegetarian, consult a professional.
As we mentioned, another important vitamin is folic acid . There are various studies that associate optimal levels of folic acid in the body with biomarkers of cardiovascular risk. The foods with the highest amount of vitamin B9 are: nuts, soybeans, beets, leeks, liver, spinach... If you take supplementation, consult with a specialist.
Antioxidants are essential , since after an intense session of exercise the cells have broken down oxygen molecules and we can find them in the form of vitamins A, C, E, omega 3 . Foods where we find a large amount of antioxidants: strawberry, kiwi, cauliflower, orange, grapefruit, lemon, almonds, pine nuts, vegetable oils (it is recommended to vary, prioritizing the best quality), spinach, asparagus, blue fish (tuna, sardine, melva... )
Vitamin D is key to good bone health, since the insufficiency of this vitamin causes the parathyroid glands and their parathyroid hormone to release the calcium accumulated in the skeleton, causing it to lose its resistance, until it fractures and gives rise to osteoporosis. . It is increasingly common, and supplementation is recommended for those who have levels less than 20/30 ng/ml.
Iron deficiency makes it difficult to transport oxygen to the muscles , affecting sports performance and muscle recovery. The foods richest in iron are: pistachio, walnuts, sardines, clams, lentils, beans, liver...
Magnesium helps reduce injuries , reduces signs of fatigue, and it has been proven that in times of physical and psychological stress it is good to supplement with magnesium. The foods with the greatest amount of this micronutrient are: bananas, apricots, almonds, cashews, soybeans...
Regarding zinc, we can highlight that it is involved in energy metabolism , carbohydrate metabolism, protein biosynthesis and degradation reactions, and many other reactions. It is important in the constitution of bone tissue, in tissue growth... Optimal levels of this micronutrient allow the body to perform at its full potential. The foods that have the most zinc are: red meat, eggs, chicken and turkey, clams...
There are many more essential micronutrients , but the objective of this article is for you to know how to recognize the most important ones, the effect they have on the body, how we can solve a deficiency... The key is in the variety of foods in our diet , which allows us offer our body various nutrients and feel our best.