First, let's define powerlifter . When we talk about powerlifter we are referring to the person/athlete who practices powerlifting .
A few weeks ago we were talking about the difference between cross training and powerlifting , so you already know that when we talk about powerlifting we are talking about a sporting discipline focused on the development of strength or, in other words, a sport in which We are going to lift and move heavy loads.
At this point two things are basic; on the one hand, a very polished technique , which will be worked on and defined with hours of training; and on the other hand, protection , this is essential if we are going to work with many kilos on the bar, so there are some accessories that will be basic in your training routine.
What accessories does a powerlifter need?

Powerlifting Belt
A strength belt is essential to protect the lower back , especially when doing deadlifts with very high weights and squats with very high weights. We are talking about it being a sport that focuses on moving many kilos in few repetitions, so the loads are going to be quite high.
The belt is very important, but so is having a well-worked and strong core, that is the basis. It must be taken into account that the belt is an accessory that functions as a base to exert force, thus making more use of the force and improving the lift.
It is a good complement if the goal is to advance a little faster and avoid injuries to the lower back.
The knee pads will offer you from the first moment a feeling of extra protection and greater security, especially when the movement is concentric. The ideal is to start using them when you are already moving high loads, so that your knees are already strong.
Wrist wraps will be used mainly in the bench press and some people may need them to perform squats, only if their position is that of a back squat with the bar low (on the back), but it is not the most common. As its name indicates, its main function is to protect the wrist, since in some way it helps to stabilize the weight during the lift itself and make this joint feel much safer.
There are several types of wristbands, you have them made of rubber or fabric . The function is the same, so when choosing it will simply be a matter of taste.
As you can see , protective accessories are basic . Powerlifting is a very demanding sport and doing it properly is essential for its correct development.