We have already warned you. 2019 is a year full of CrossFit Games and as soon as the season ends, we are already prepared for the 2020 Games .
This year of transition began with the appearance of the Sanctional Events , the new modality of the Open Games and the qualifiers in the CrossFit Games. After this hodgepodge of tests that served the Beta testing organization, the new modality now begins.
The CrossFit Games 2020 season begins
As you know, each Games season always begins with the Open.
The news is that they start in October . That is, in a month!
If you have already participated, last week you received the email from CrossFit to sign up now. If you were thinking about signing up this year, and it catches you by surprise, you will have to get your act together to get back into the swing of things after the summer.
Open Games 2020
Except for the dates, everything else works the same: 5 weeks of suffering, the WODs are announced live on Friday morning and you have until Monday to do it and upload your results to the official website.
Open Games 2020 Schedule
- 20.1 : October 10 to 14
- 20.2 : October 17 to 21
- 20.3 : October 24 to 28
- 20.4 : October 31 to November 4
- 20.5 : November 7 to 11

You have to sign up online through the CrossFit Games website:
You can do it from now until October 10 . You have to fill in your details and pay for online registration.
What's new this year is that you can, in addition to the card, use PayPal or Apple Pay as a payment method.
Once registered, you can update your Leaderboard data and even personalize it. Another novelty is the use of own hashtags and their search on the classification board.
It is designed for the communities of affiliated pits to monitor their athletes.
Remember that you can also check the leaderboard through its app for iOS and Android.
Regarding the more logistical aspects that concern affiliates, CrossFit advises that the management record of the official pits and the title of judge are still valid for these Opens if you have obtained them for the 2019 Opens.
If you are going to participate, you can comment on your social networks using the hashtag #InTheOpen
New rules for the 2020 CrossFit Games
With the start of the season, CrossFit updates its Rulebook to define the rules of participation in the different qualifying events for the finals in Madison.
Open winners
We have already seen in 2019 that there are Open winners who go directly to the final, for the individual modality .
On the one hand, there are the National Champions , that is, the fittest man and woman in each country. On the other hand, there is the Top 20, male and female, of the best athletes worldwide.
The Rulebook indicates, for greater harmony in the results, that if the national No. 1 is in the Top 20, he can choose one of the modalities, which would leave a place for the next one. For example: if an athlete is No. 1 in his country and is among the top 20 worldwide, he can compete in the Games as an independent or as a representative of his country. If he decides to be independent, the National Champion title would move to No. 2. And if he decides to be a national representative, the 21st in the World Top would have a place in the Games.
The same would happen with the winners of the Sanctional Events who, you know, go to the finals in Madison.
The Teens and the Masters continue with the same online classification modality and the World Top 10 of each age category is the one that goes to the Games.
As for the teams, it also follows the same procedure seen this year: they have to compete in the official events to qualify.
Penalty measures
In addition, the new rules change the verification procedure for Open winners. Instead of watching the videos at the end of the five weeks, CrossFit will proceed with a weekly review of the recorded WODs of the top 40 athletes of the moment .
Thus, possible cheating in the results of the WODs by strategy is limited (and if it sneaks, it sneaks).
CrossFit also plans to review possible No Reps on a case-by-case basis since a No Rep from a double jump is not the same as from a Clean & Jerk in terms of its execution.
In addition, 11 of the Sanctional Events request the mandatory use of the WodProof app to record their online qualifiers since it informs the time and date of the WOD execution.
Even if you are not going to be the new Mat Fraser, you may be interested in consulting the Rulebook to better understand the standards of the competition and follow it like a true professional.
Are you ready for the new season of the CrossFit Games? If you haven't done so yet, take a look at the PISIL online store to get your own material to face the mysterious WODs of the Open 2020.